SPIRITUS: (01-18) A Monthly update from the Respiratory Technology team at the WIMR.


This is the January 2018 newsletter from the RespiTech Group at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

Happy new year! January is always a slow month in Oz as it is officially holiday season. This month we celebrate the submission of Giula Ballerin's PhD thesis. Giula has been undertaking a PhD with the group and collaborators at UTS (led by A/Prof Cinthia Whitchurch) looking at modifying bacterial response to improve antibiotic effectiveness in lung infections. Congratulations Giula! 

Jesse Xu received a PhD Scholarship from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research this month, funded through a kind donation in memory of Sheila Jacobson. Jesse’s PhD focusses on developing personalised airway stents using 3D printing technology and this scholarship will enable hime to work on his project full time via the soon to be opened Centre for Lung Cancer Research.

As always we give an update of publications by the group. The first paper for 2018 is a publication accepted with collaborated Patrick Spicer from UNSW, Sydney. The paper titled "microfluidic production of endoskeleton droplets with controlled size and shape" was accepted in Powder Technology. You can find all Respitech Journal publications .

Lastly, this month we say farewell to  Roberto Paleco. Roberto was a lab-technician extraordinaire and the group will miss him. Farewell Roberto and all the best.

PYSPIRITUS, 2018Comment